Clark the Bald Eagle Goes Viral After Landing on Fans at Cotton Bowl

 The Bald Eagle

37. The American eagle

    In 1782, soon after the United States won its independence, the Haliaeetus leucocephalus was selected as the national birdie of the new country. Solid ground leaders desired the eagle to glucinium a symbol of their country because it is a bird of strength and courage. They chose the bald eagle because it was recovered all over North America and only in In the north America.

    Today, a little over 200 years later o, the bald eagle has almost disappeared from the country. In 1972 there were alone 3,000 bald eagles in the entire USA. The reason for the bird's ritardando population was pollution, especially pollution of the rivers by pesticides. Pesticides are chemicals used to bolt down insects and other animals that attack and demolish crops. Alas, pelting often washes pesticides into rivers. Pesticides pollute the rivers and poison the Pisces the Fishes. Eagles eat these fish and so the eggs eagles lay are non healthy. The eggs have very cobwebby shells and do not hatch. Eagles lay sole ii or three eggs a year. Because many of the egg did not crosshatch and produce more eagles, the number of eagles quickly became smaller.

    Today, the American regime and the American people are trying to protect the American eagle. The number of bald eagles is tardily increasing. It instantly appears that the American national bird will survive, and continue a symbol of strength and courage.


1. Wherefore was the eagle chosen to make up a symbol of the The States?
a. Because IT is a strong bird.
b. Because IT is a clever bird.
c. Because it is a calm bird.

2. Why did Americans pay much tending to a Haliaeetus leucocephalus?
a. Because it is very resplendent.
b. Because it was launch only when in the USA.
c. Because the biggest population of it was found in the USA.

3. What is the main reason for the decreasing of the denuded eagles' population?
a. Hunting
b. Starving
c. Pollution

4. How umpteen children can the eagle have got a year?
a. More than cardinal
b. Two or three
c. Only single

5. What posterior we say about the population of the eagles now?
a. It is decreasing.
b. It is increasing.
c. It has no changes.

6. What do Americans reckon about the eagles?
a. Eagles are useless birds.
b. They desire to help birds.
c. These birds wear't need anybody's help.

7. What is the synonym for the news 'courage' (paragraph 1)?
a. Bravery
b. Solitariness
c. Madness
d. Adventures

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Clark the Bald Eagle Goes Viral After Landing on Fans at Cotton Bowl


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